Pulau Melaka

Malaysia Pulau Melacca River
Malaysia Pulau Melacca River

Good Future Prospects of Pulau Melaka for Its Strategic Location from Feng Shui Perspectives

Pulau Melaka, Malaysia’s first and the biggest “Twin Island City Centre”, is a man-made island in Malacca. Facing the Strait of Malacca, it is strategically located near to Melaka Raya which is the largest and famous one-stop centre for commercial activities in the country.

In Feng Shui, time is divided into cycles. Each cycle is a Period or “Yun” which is used to describe the cyclical pattern of Qi. According to the concept of the “Three Circles with Nine Periods”, recent years are in the Third Circle or Period Eight. With the presence of the Eight White Star, you can expect some benefits such as good potential for wealth and financial returns, as well as prospective property development. High rise buildings and mountains in the Northeast sector will bring luck to people in enhancement of power and fame. In addition, business opportunities will be lucrative as the Strait of Malacca is located in an auspicious sector (Southwest). In view of these, Pulau Melaka is your choice of investment as it will bear fruit in the long run. The Strait of Malacca is a commercial waterway connecting the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, being the essential transportation channel between Asian countries, including the world’s most populated countries i.e. China, India and Indonesia. It plays a vital role in politics and economy of the country as well as the region. In fact, the Prime Minister of China Li Keqiang, the former leader of the People’s Republic of China, and the former President of China had paid visit to the Strait of Malacca.

Since the completion of the Pulau Melaka project, it has successfully attracted a significant number of visitors for its fascinating and scenic environment. Malacca being a famous tourist hot spot for all times and a vibrant commercial centre coupled with the good tourism facilities such as hotels, leisure and entertainment places and restaurants of variety cuisines definitely help bringing more business opportunities and enhancing the value of Pulau Melaka.

No matter how desolate an undeveloped land was, when the good Qi comes, it will have drastic change in terms of business and wealth opportunities. Meaning to say, property developers can make a success of their buildings when the Feng Shui is good to attract foreign investors or support from the government. However, it should also depend on the location and geographical properties. In term of the Feng Shui perspectives of the Pulau Melaka, there are commercial buildings built on the rear (Northeast) of Pulau Melaka which will provide support in time of need. The Azure Dragon is sitting on the left, and the flyover in the East sector and Southeast sector, and these will bring good opportunities and advantages to certain industries like banking and finance, bar and restaurant, entertainment and night life, hospitality and business. Pulau Melaka fulfils all the above, isn’t? Otherwise, it would not have attracted so many investors and it would not have generated tremendous wealth opportunities.

At the unveiling of the Melaka Gateway master plan at Pulau Melaka, many other projects are in progress such as gateway theme park, marine theme park, waterfront, high-rise luxury hotels and condominiums, international cruise and ferry terminal. From the perspective of Feng Shui, all these world-class development projects will create more business opportunities and thus bringing wealth gains. Pulau Melaka has the core factors for achieving success in business and enhancing wealth opportunities as it possesses the right timing and right location. In fact, the growth potential of Pulau Melaka in the tourism industry is huge and its contribution to the economy is on the uptrend. In time, the value of the properties in this area will increase leading to the hike of sales pricing and rental rates.


馬六甲雙島城靠近MELAKA RAYA著名商業區,面臨聞名國際的馬六海峽,是一座人造海島,雙島城也是全馬最大的商業區。




雙島城這裡有幾項大型商業和旅遊發展在進行中,如附近雙島城的黃京港(MELAKA GATEWAY)主題公園、海洋公園、豪華酒店、水上樂園、豪華公寓以及方便停泊往來的遊輪,船艇的碼頭都會先後建立起來,以風水而言,這些都是能帶旺商業生意和旅遊休閒的發展的建設,這是極好的形勢風水。雙島城得到天時(八運氣運西南方見水大旺財運、商業生意)及地利(著名的馬六甲海峽和各大型商業及旅遊方面的建設)的兩大助力,經濟和旅遊的發展和增值潛能非常大,相信假以時日,這一帶的商城地產其售價和租金一日千里,急速飆升。