Feng Shui FAQ 风水问答

Blessed Feng-shui Mascots possesses wide usage and have miraculous effects. They are used for improving inauspicious Feng-shui houses. Feng-shui mascots have been proven to be effective in neutralising evil and ushering in auspice by generations of famous Feng-shui masters.

Question: Why do Chinese consider the place of Feng-shui mascots consisting of auspicious animals would bring good luck, wealth and auspice?

Answer : One of the reasons is the study of Feng-shui whereby Feng-shui masters had for generations over the past thousand year used auspicious animals such as Qi-lin, Dragon and Feng-shui mascots like Gourd and Wind Chimes to catalyse auspicious Feng-shui and neutralises disasters caused by evil Feng-shui. That is why mascots consisting of auspicious animals have become a integral part of Feng-shui culture.

Feng-shui mascots have to be blessed using the four secret methods before they can neutralise evil and catalyse auspice.

Question : Can Feng-shui mascots be placed at home after they are bought? Or is it necessary to go through a ceremony before they are effective?

Answer : Feng-shui mascots should be blessed using four major steps, namely recital of scriptures, hand symbols, prayers and will power. The blessing ceremony should be held at a Buddhist or Taoist altar with offerings of sweets and biscuits in order for positive energies to accumulated by these mascots and be useful in Feng-shui. This will allow them to be effective in neutralising evil or catalysing auspice. Feng-shui mascots which have not been blessed is analogous to a television set which has not been plugged into the power socket and is unable to receive television signals to produce images. It is said to possess form but not function, and placing them in the house only makes them decorative items without any Feng-shui effects.

Feng-shui mascots which have not been blessed easily invite evil.

In addition, Feng-shui mascots which have not been blessed, such as Qi-lin, Pi-xiu, Dragons, Phoenixes,  and statues of gods and buddhas easily invite evil spirits. When these undesirable forces remain in the house, they not only jeopardise wealth and work of occupants but they also jeopardises health. Feng-shui mascots which have not been blessed easily attract evil into one’s home, resulting in them being haunted. People used to be enjoying good luck before placing these Feng-shui mascots may now be experiencing obstructions, declining health, and frequent illness due to placing “unclean” Feng-shui mascots. Thus, to ensure Feng-shui mascots brings about good effects, all Feng-shui mascots must be blessed before they may be placed in one’s home as Feng-shui mascots.

Is it difficult to dismantle doors of houses which are not located at wealth positions?

Question : A Feng-shui master once said on stage that doors of houses must be located at wealth positions otherwise wealth retreats and becomes unstable. I that true? If the door is not located at the wealth position, then is it necessary to seal that door and position the door at the wealth position? He said that the stove in the kitchen must be located in an auspicious position and if it is not, it should similarly be dismantled and placed in an auspicious position. Is this theory correct?

Answer :  Inauspicious positions for doors should be sealed and doors should be built in wealth positions. This is originally a good way to overcome the problem but most houses and buildings do not permit this to be done. This is because houses and buildings today are fixed in design and there are constraints in changing Feng-shui. Changes may be difficult and we have to accept this fact. For example, the entrance to high-rise apartments is fixed and there is no way you can change its Feng-shui.

It is not necessary to demolish and rebuild if the entrance is not located at the wealth position or the stove is the kitchen is not in an auspicious position. Neutralisation and catalysis may be done with blessed Feng-shui mascots.

If for example, the wealth position of linked/terrace houses is located on the left or right in front of the house and there is a partition wall which is shared with the neighbouring house, how then are you going to change its Feng-shui? Would you want to break down the partition wall just to rebuild the door? This shows that the door need not necessary be position at the wealth position. In fact, the door is not the wealth position and it may be neutralised and catalysed using Feng-shui techniques. The way to do it is to use blessed Feng-shui mascots. They must be matched with the elements of the owner and placed at the auspicious or inauspicious positions on an auspicious date and time. This will neutralise the negative effects and boost auspicious energy to achieve positive effect, changing Feng-shui and catalysing wealth. It is not necessary to demolish using non-versatile ways. Other items such as the position of stoves in the kitchen not being at auspicious positions need not be removed. They may similarly be neutralised and catalysed via Feng-shui techniques without relocation procedures.