Brass Qilin Statue (Small) 铜麒麟 (小)


Qilin helps ease harmful effects of Negative Stars  《铜麒麟》化煞催财旺风水


Qilin is able to counter the effect bought by inauspicious stars such as the Grand Duke Star, White Tiger Star, Sky Dog Star, Five Yellow Star, Three Killings, and etc.. Bear in mind that eye-opening ceremony or consecration for the items is essential. It is performed by endowed with spiritual properties. Our center does provide eye-opening services by consecrating in three ways (Gain, Yield, and Hook Trick), and the place a tantric mudra at the end. The process can be very long and complicated, but this is because of we are using our in-house developed incantation. On top of that, the talisman which will be used during the ceremony is made from amethyst, topaz and different type of herbs.

麒麟可化解各种煞气,白虎,天狗,五黄,三煞及各种形煞等煞气, 但麒麟必须经过独特秘法开光加持,方能拥有强旺之灵气和上述招财辟邪灵效, 这一点是必须关注的问题。 本中心为麒麟的开光作法,以密宗之【增益】,【降伏】,【勾招】三大密法进行,并在最后加敕对护身开运最具灵效的【九字手印】在麒麟内。开光过程繁复时间沉长,且属本派独特【心诀】,并装入具有招财开运和辟邪除秽之各种药材及强旺灵气之水晶制成之符胆。故本中心祈请之麒麟,充满招财开运和辟邪镇宅之功效。