Vaishravana Incense (Large) 财神盘香 (4小时)
According to Quanzhi Maipeng Rinpoche’s Literature, it is made from many previous medicinal herbs such as Tibetan sandalwood, benzoin, frankincense, Chinese Eaglewood, borneol, etc. Incensing it frequently is the convenient dharma door to pit and end to poverty, accumulate blessed virtues and Sambhara.
采用著名密宗上师麦彭仁波切之上供仪轨,由雪域山之檀香,红景天,安息香,乳香,沉香,冰片,香草等多种名贵药材制成。 常用此盘香或卧香供佛菩萨金刚护法及财神,功能消除贫困,累积福德资粮,催旺财运及功德无量。
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